Medicinal waters in Hungary
Hungary is exceptionally rich in medicinal and thermal waters. Across Hungary many recognized medicinal waters rise to the surface. It means about 350 000 m³ every day.
The thermal waters of Hungary have been sought since the old Roman times. The first baths were built by the Romans in the old time.
Famous spas can be found in Budapest, Hévíz, Hajdúszoboszló, Zalakaros, Gyula, Sárvár and Bükfürdő.
In Hungary, medicinal waters are generally used in bathing form, but are valuable for drinking cures too.
Drinking cures are beneficial for gastroenterological and renal illnesses, certain metabolic diseases, in inhalation form for respiratory diseases.
Balneotherapy, that is treatment involving medicinal waters, also includes mud therapy. Mud used in pack form is highly beneficial for the treatment of chronic locomotor’s and gynecological illnesses.
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