Budafok-Tétény, the XXII. district of the capital city is located on the right shore of the Danube, on Tétényi plateu. The sights of the district: Törley castle, Törley mausoleum, Memento Park, the cellar system of Budafok, Castle Museum in Nagytétény, Sacelláry castle. In the XXII. district Belle Fleur Pension and Hotel Aquarius await the guests.

Hotel Aquarius Budapest - Budapest - Cheap 4-star hotel in Nagyteteny, Budapest Pricelist, Online Reservation

✔ Belle Fleur** Pension Budapest - cheap pension in Buda Belle Fleur pension Pricelist, Online Reservation

Hotel Regina Budapest - near to the new M0 highway Pricelist, Online Reservation

Affordable Thermal and Wellness Hotels in Hungary - 2025.03.18.
Hungary is famous for thermal water. Every year new Hotels open used the thermal water healing power. The newest Thermal and Wellness Hotels in Hungary the four stars Thermal Hotel Balance Lenti, and Aqua-lux Hotel Cserkeszőlő. Hungary's the most famulous thermal water cities are Thermal Hotel Mosonmagyaróvár, and Wellness Hotel Gyula and the Hotel Béke Hajdúszoboszló. Thanks to many tourist is choose the Thermal and Wellness Hotels increasing the Spa Thermal Hotels most popular than ever.
Short free time, many sights - 2024.12.11.
Unfortunately I spent only few days in Budapest but I managed to see the most important sights of the city. I climbed the Castle Hill and Gellert Hill and took some photos at the foot of the Liberty Statue. I walked along the Margaret Island and had a pleasant dinner in the city centre, so I had a fantastic time in Budapest.