The Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti can be found 100 kms away from Budapest, close to the Jászapáti Thermal Spa. The hotel is open the whole year and awaits its guest with 37 partly air conditioned rooms. The Andrássy Thermal Hotel is the perfect venue of business meetings and conferences as well.
<- Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti - Special offer wellness weekend in Jászapáti - ✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary ->

Andrássy Thermal Hotel Jászapáti - Special offer wellness weekend in Jászapáti

-✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary-

Budapest Hotels - Budapest Hotel Booking Tel/Fax: +36 1 227 9614

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✔️ Andrássy Thermal Hotel*** Jászapáti - Special Thermal and Wellness Hotel in Hungary
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Affordable Thermal and Wellness Hotels in Hungary - 2025.03.18.

Hungary is famous for thermal water. Every year new Hotels open used the thermal water healing power. The newest Thermal and Wellness Hotels in Hungary the four stars Thermal Hotel Balance Lenti, and Aqua-lux Hotel Cserkeszőlő. Hungary's the most famulous thermal water cities are Thermal Hotel Mosonmagyaróvár, and Wellness Hotel Gyula and the Hotel Béke Hajdúszoboszló. Thanks to many tourist is choose the Thermal and Wellness Hotels increasing the Spa Thermal Hotels most popular than ever.

Thanks for the fantastic weekend in Budapest - 2024.12.11.

The fine hotel with a wonderful atmosphere and the walking on my last day made my stay unforgettable in Budapest. Thanks for the many information of your website. It was a wonderful experience to walk over the Chain Bridge and to admire some interesting views of the lightened Buda Castle, the Gellert Hill and the Liberty Statue. 

-Packages - Jászapáti

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